Thursday, April 24, 2008

Shoush's tag

I haven't been regular last week, infact I was absent last week. I think am due for a break.

Seven things I plan to do:

1- Get a fender american deluxe P bass guitar
2- Get a 1960B Cab to complement my Marshall half stack w/ a 1960A Cab
....translation: I have a 100 watt amplifier w/ one speaker and am planing to get a 2nd speaker. Going for loud
3- Taking a good break, going to somewhere nice. (no specifics)
4- change my training schedule at the gym, trying to get a better cut rather than growth.
5- Chill a lot and have fun
6- Explore different options for expanding my income
7- Find the one.

Seven things I can do

1- I can hold the guitar and improvise for hours, all would sound musically correct.
2- Genuinely be careless about surroundings.
3- See the big picture
4- Keep my thoughts and any secrets to myself
5- Play for hours on the minor scale and its derivatives (sad sounding)
6- Depending on my mood change the mood in the room accordingly
7- Fake interest in a conversation

Seven things I can't do
Hard to think of these

1- Can't handle (mojamalat and rasmmyyaat) for too long
2- listen for too long w/o drifting away.
3- Play major scale based melodies and feel them. (major scale is happy scale)
4- Enjoy staying w/ a group of people for long (one setting)
5- Can't do something really well if am not motivated or believe in it
6- Can't do something just b/c am supposed to do it, I have to be convinced its the thing to be done
7- Handle criticism well, especially when it comes from someone I don't trust.

Seven things I say the most:

1- Ay shay
2- 7adda
3- Fuckin assholes/ wtf man?
4- Yistiree7oon
5- off 3ajeeb
6- mmm (agreeing but not paying attention, not intentional, just drifted)
7- oh well

Seven Bloggers I tag:
Tag yourself, Shoush has tagged the list I would've tagged anyways


Amethyst said...

I might do the tag.

Guitars are hot. There's a concert tomorrow night at 7.30pm at the Abdulaziz Theatre in Mishref (next to the jam3eya). You might wanna come:)

Esperanza said...

great post!! seriously i havent read it all but i liked the idea anyway!!

Manutdfanatic said...

I'm guilty of the whole "mmm-ing" thing too. For almost the same reason.

Shoush said...

Interesting how a little can do's and can't do's can give a lot of new insight about a person.

So Navy and I 7ashaina feek on my blog the other day. How bout u upload an audio clip of u playing something on ur guitar? We're interested to listen.

Anonymous said...

Very Honest.

~ Soul

Big Pearls said...

nice and honest:)

Navy Girl said...

wow you are in the tag business too !! I’m surprised !

plan to do list :
GET THE GUITAR , TAKE A GOOD NICE BREAK , AND HAVE FUN YEAH .. oh and good luck in finding the one : )

can do list :
mashala .. why don’t you post us something ?
don’t bottle up things .. its not good , talking about it might be the best solution sometimes ..
HAAAAAAAA you can fake that !!!

cant do list :
I so much agree with 5 6 7 !!

things you say :
Yistree7on is a funny one lol :D

oh and yeah i'm with shoush :D yalla if your good enough you will teach us :D

No3iK said...

hehehehe ur entire list is sooooooo
GUYISH! i mean all the things we read in books .. bout men :p is all there .. was very interesting.

Kaos said...

Amethyst: I checked it out, it was sooo good, although I came late.
Why did you leave the concert in the middle of a performance? Didn't get to talk to you at all.

Anoosa: Welcome to the blog

mautd: ya, and it seems there's no control over it. It just kinda happens doesn't it?

shoush: ta'mreen ;)

Soul: always :) no point not being honest :)

big pearls: ty :) Welcome back Pearl

navyooo: What am not "hip" enough for tags? :P
And seriously you doubt that am good? am not just kinda good tara, my playing is amazing. I know that I've been told a lot. Roger, post on the way.

No3ik: LoOoL, and all this time I thought I was unique ;)
So the heroic mostquito slayer goes for loud too ;p?

Navy Girl said...

someone is really cocky ha ! ;P

i never doubted that your really good .. was just teasing you :)