Saturday, March 8, 2008

Manic Depression

Mania (source, wikipedia) is a severe medical condition characterized by extremely elevated mood, energy, and unusual thought patterns. There are several possible causes for mania, but it is most often associated with bipolar disorder, where episodes of mania may cyclically alternate with episodes of clinical depression. These cycles may relate to diurnal rhythms and environmental stressors. Mania varies in intensity, from mild mania (known as hypomania) to full-blown mania with psychotic features (hallucinations and delusions).

Manic patients may need to be hospitalized to protect themselves and others.

A mnemonic used to remember the symptoms of mania is DIGFAST: [4]

  • D = Distractibility
  • I = Indiscretion
  • G = Grandiosity
  • F = Flight of ideas
  • A = Activity increased
  • S = Sleep (decreased need for)
  • T = Talkativeness (pressured speech)
Reading about it is something, seeing an actual case is scary.
God help all these patients and their families through manic episodes.


Navy Girl said...

everyone in my family including me,and some of my friends calls me mania attaching it with my name !!! wow !!! makes you wonder am i :D lol well i'm not ..

by the way .. its good to see you in action again :)

Unknown said...

I refuse to accept the symptoms that will put me down.

Shoush said...

Allah yashfee all those suffering from this inshala. Ana Allah y3een those around them.

I wonder wat kind of of enviromental stressors can cause this.

Manutdfanatic said...

Hmmm....scary is an undestatement.


Manutdfanatic said...


Kaos said...

navvyia: LoL, so you tend to be hyper huh? nothing wrong with that, as long as its within reason.
Ty :), inspiration been lacking letly

n: ??? are you on a mission to confuse people nowadays?

Shosuh: Allah misma3 minnich. Enviornmental stressors can vary from changes in career or prospectives of change. Marriage could be an example too, it just depends on how severe the person would take an event.

manutdfanatic: Have you seen cases before? because u r right, scary does happen to eb an understatement.

Manutdfanatic said...

I have, and I haven't.

P.S:- Are you confused yet? Heheheh.

Intlxpatr said...

It's more common than you think. The very very scary thing to me is having friends who have stopped taking their meds because they miss their manic highs. They don't miss the depressions, but they miss their manias.

Their manias cost them everything. Put them deeply in debt, brings chaos to their family lives, cost them relationships, cost them jobs. Dear God, help them stay on their meds, for their own good, for their own safety.