Sunday, May 18, 2008

Fresh start

I apologize for not updating my blog for a while, I wanna assure you there were no technical problems. I honestly just couldn't be bothered with blogging over the last week feeling extremely lazy. Seriously didn't feel like it.

Yesterday I went to vote early in the morning to avoid traffic, I believed the results didn't matter that much so I voted for Barrack Obama, j/k
My vote ended up being based on who I have access to, connection in other words. I just couldn't c a real differentiating value among the candidates when it comes to issues.

Anyways the results some were surprising results like Salih Almullah being the only liberal in the 3rd district who ran as an independent surprisingly. So its an interesting mix we have now.
I have drafted a letter to the mp's going to try and send it to as many of them. It is written in English, because it is more convenient for me. I would like your feedback concerning this letter please to improve it

Update: Thanks to No3ik and some events the letter is updated. The news papers report a law suit against Ahmad Almuleify with regards to allegations he made against the Prime Minister. So free speech rights are even affecting the mp's hopefully this'll show them how important it is to act.
Also the student council in Kuwait University has demanded improvements to education and the economy, so these letters and anyway to contact your mp's are valuable to make sure they hear these concerns from multiple sources.
updates to the letter is gray.

We congratulate the winners and our representatives. May god help and guide your actions in the freshly elected parliament.
This election cycle has demonstrated increased awareness from the people regarding the issues, proved by the high turnout in the 2008 elections.
After giving you our votes, hence giving you our trust to watch over our society, as voters we will hold you accountable for the well being and progress in our country. We expect our representatives to focus on the significant issues that make a difference to our progress rather than waste time on minor issues and personal gain.

Some of the neglected but significant issues that we will focus on:

1- Promoting natural rights and watching out for hindering them by any authority. Our representatives have to set the tone by defending our rights to free speech and rights to privacy. Keeping a close eye on government activities and regulations that attempt to hinder them or violate them as in the case of the arrested bloggers. The mp’s are to take initiatives to expand our rights and oppose any attempts to limit us whether its by the government or fellow mp’s. Already we have seen multiple law suits concerning the publication laws some of which affect teh mp's. That is a clear example of what happens when free speech rights are violated.

2- The economy:
a. Transparency: Globalization is a fact and there is a lot of discussion focusing on making Kuwait a financial center in the gulf. We face a lack of transparency generally in Kuwait in both the public sector and the private sector including the Kuwaiti stock market. A critical part to fighting corruption is promoting freedom of information similar to the freedom of information act in the US.
b. Prohibition of monopoly/ anti trust: There have been a lot of advances during the last few years opening the field to competition, however more needs to be done and this issues needs to be tackled accordingly.
c. Easing of burecracy procedures.

3- Infrastructure Projects:
a. Education and human resources: We want to see more serious actions taken to improve this area since it’s the main driver of a country’s progress. Education has been neglected for a long time, we would like to more education reform with a clear strategy that is goal focused on improving education. More resources should be devoted to human resources and education.
b. Transportation: Increased public transportation is essential for the upcoming period of our country. This will affect all areas of our lives including the economy.
c. Housing: a scientific study should be conducted to project the future needs of the future generations and expanding by promoting projects to build new cities to accommodate the increased demand in housing.

4- Public Health: Public health is a priority for teh advancements of societies. Many problems face the public health sector and we urge the mp's to listen to the experts in the field to help improve our standards of living.

5- Women issues: Many issues concerning women are arising especially the rights of the Kuwaiti woman's children if she was married to a non-Kuwaiiti. The mp's who take intiative tackling these issues will be able to differentiate themselves to a big voter base by the next elections.

These are samples of important issues that we expect our representatives to tackle. With the elections system changing to a 5 district system, the need to expand your voter base will change; and differentiating yourself based on issues and showing results based on the trust that the people gave you will prove more important. The people will be able to point out the inactive members and / or the members who are in it for pure personal gain whom will be filtered constantly every four years.


Unknown said...

I like it! good luck with that.

Navy Girl said...

good luck with that :)

Amethyst said...

I think you should have went to the nadwat and heard the candidates speak, then based your votes on that:)

Big Pearls said...

sounds good..good luck with that:)

Kaos said...

N navy girl and big pearls: Thanks appreciate it :)

Amethyst: Point taken. The thing is although I didn't go to listen to them, I did my homework well.. somewhat :)
For the returning candidates all I had to do was recall their records. I don't really care what they have to say because they were there before and they either had stuff to show for it or not. The new candidates I tried learning about them online. The thing is the way they bring out the issues is like a copy/paste of each other with no one offering actual practical solutions. So in my mind there isn't much difference among them in that none of them was that inspirational. So I ended up having to choose based on who I might have easier access to. And thats the reality in the way we vote which sux. But this is our society.
My question to you, did you really find any of them inspirational?

No3iK said...

thanks kaos all very important ..

on the social note:

1- public hospitals! we need new ones .. with good doctors. . and equipments.

2- rehabs! we dont have any real good healthy rehabs .. in kuwait we have alcaholics and drug addicts, we need to deal with it!

3- driving awareness.. ppl need to know how many souls are being lost each year .. there shuold be new rules! and a hot line to report any person breaking them on the road .. let citizens be part of it so theyd feel responssible.

4- like they do in UAE anyperson that breaks the law .. depends on his penalty ... his pic and full name will be published in all newspapers the next day!
since in some families money is no issue .. well certainly names are!

5- now women... i dont know where to start?
women who marry a non kuwaiti .. if shes going to live in kuwait .. then her kids should have exactly equal rights to all kuwaitis ..
thats just one point :p

i think ill stop here :)
thanks for the post.

Manutdfanatic said...


Manutdfanatic said...

Oh wait...I haven't read it yet.

F. said...

In response to your post and your answer to Amethyst's comment:

If you think our reality in the way we vote "sux" why don't you try to change it starting by yourself. I strongly believe that if we want to see progress and change in our country we should look to change our ways of thinking and acting first. One of the main reasons for the disappointing results of the elections is the voters' corrupt way of thinking.
Another point is that even though a candidate could have been an mp before, their agendas should never stay the same. The country's demands change with time and so should the candidates goals for the future. That is why one should always try and stay updated on both those terms (the country's demands, and what the candidates have to offer.)

Sorry for all this blabber. Just had to say it :)

Kaos said...

no3ik: Thank you so much no3ik your input was really valuable. The 1st time I saw you comment on touche's blog regarding the ta2been case and how you brought up the free speech issue up that no one else was talking about. I knew there was a lot to your views that I'd wanna hear.
I'd encourage you to get your views heard more and you will be a driver of change in our community. Keep it up
1- public health is an issue that I thought of after drafting the letter, and now you brought it up which shows a common interest in the issue. It is an area that can't be neglected however unfortunately am not an expert in that field so am sure the insiders have much more to say about it.
2- ofcours rehabs goes under the category of public health, there is a center for (mo3alajat il'idman) but am not familiar with the issues surrounding it.
3- Driving awareness is a concern but I can hardly c teh mp's doing anything meaningful regarding that. Public awareness is essential, do you have something specific that can be said about it though?
4- I really like this suggestion :) this will definetly be something that will be discussed more in the days ahead. I think with the population growing we have no other choice but to change and allow these things to go out in the open. It's not a closed society anymore.
5- Women: only women can get these issues out there, right? but definetly who ever capitalizes on these issues 1st will have better chances over the next elections.

Kaos said...

manutd: ya, it is good ;p so u visiting anytime soon?

F:Welcome to my blog
Well lemme start by saying I am convinced that I made the right choice of who to vote for. I didn't go with their suggestions just because, I weighted my options and the family elders actualy encouraged everyone to choose based on their own views. The suggestions are nothing more than what they r and we guaranteed access to the mp's we voted for.
Again, same question goes to you, did any candidate really inspire you? All the candidates were talking more or less about the same things and it is extremely important to check their records because it gives us an indication of how active they are and where their priorities are. Point taken about attending their speechs and giving the returning candidates a chance to explain their new agendas.

Your always welcome to say anything in your mind :) note the welcoming note; don't censor yourself. Also I enjoyed reading your comment since it is something that I care about :). So don't hesitate to disagree w/ me w/e u believe is appropriate and it actualy gives spice to the discussion.

Manutdfanatic said...

You could say that.

No3iK said...

first of all .. thanks im very flattered :)

i have always hoped for change .. and by Gods help inshalah .. we will be part of that change.

-hospitals .. and rehabs .. you dont need to be an insider, all u need is one visit .. and youll get the picture! it is more than ugly. if u take for example, a drug addict to rehab .. he will become a suicidal for how depressing and unhealthy th enviroment is. not to mention how theyre being treated!

-driving .. i know u have read my last post .. when i wrote it .. i was in rage! (obviuosly) it is because i just saw the NUMBERS! and cases .. add to that the history of the problem we have! you will not believe what i had to see for the research i was doing! it was mind blowing .. and more than depressing .. shocks me that ppl here dont even care to mention it! as if it is something normal to lose ppl and families every year .. over such silly matter .. that has gone out of control.

-women issues is very dissapointing .. i think the only way something good will happen for them .. is after a woman becomes an MP .. then ppl will hear .. then ppl will understand .. only then!


Dr. Shale bin Agnon said...

A lot of rubbish spouted to get elected.

eshda3wa said...

so did the ppl u voted for win?

Kaos said...

Thanks all for your input. Some interesting, some entertaining and some actualy had value :p

mautd: Cool, keep us updated

no3ik: Women MP's is not far fetched, they actualy got close this election cycle.

dr shale bin agnon phd: Oh so thats what you choose to believe huh? well I choose to believe in the establishment, and I know the establishment knows best. It is most wonderful that our lives are pre-planed for us w/o us having to make choices :p

eshda3wa: More or less yea, most of em. The thing is you have 4 votes most of them mean 3/4 :p no mystery there.. made sure to vote for an under-dog would've been nice had he made it but all 10 reps from that district are my reps now whether I voted for them or not. They still have to answer to me

Anonymous said...

Kaos, now it is time to rewrite that letter, incorporate some of No3ik's additions, and send it off to the English language papers. Have a family member translate into perfect Arabic and send it off to the Arabic press. Get some dialogue going. Your points are all good ones.

Kaos said...

intlxpatr: infact a relative did offer to translate it, people seem to like the idea... I was thinking about simply sending it to the mp's personally, but publishing it is an interesting idea.. I'll look into it