Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone , new year, new outlook, new better life for everyone.

I was planing to remove the older posts and start as new. But I read the older posts to reflect on what I wrote, I found it as an addition to the human knowledge and human experience including the depression topics, inshallah most of the problems concerning that topic have been taken care of. And even if there were problems, atleast I decided to fight it and keep on fighting I shall.

now, since I was planing to remove the older posts I thought about paying tribute to the contributors to this humble blog. Thank you guys and here it is:

N: Thank you for introducing me to the blogging world. Your thoughts have enriched the experience.

Nomad: Thank you also for encouraging me to start blogging. Thank you for being there for me man and wish you all the best.

Cixousianpanic: your blog is what kept me going strong. After you removed your presence on the blogosphere, I really had a problem going on. But now its gonna be different and hope for you to come back J

Miss-Shoush: Shousho Shousha, how long have we been contributing to each others’ blogs? This is one friendship I shall cherish forever.

Shale Bin Agnon: Your view was critical since it was a balanced view from a different culture. You should be done w/ ur phD and wish you all the best. Any chance we can be honored to hear your say on our boring topics again J?

Navy Girl: You know how cute the logo / handle you chose? Its hard to deal with your writing just as is w/o cuteness biasing our responses.

Sherry: I told you this before and I’ll say it again. New year, new hopes news dreams new life. You promise me to live your life happily.

eshda3wa esh9ayir: Best of luck in this final year, now its Dr esh9ayir ;P

Int’l x pat: Your presence on the blogosphere is an inspiration for all of us. Your experiences have been intellectually enriching, and your ethical issues have been interesting. Honored to have talked to you.

Desert-r0ses: Our artist graphics designer, am happy and privileged to have gained your friendship. We shall keep communication lines open and your “mind” is valuable to me ;)

Hope: Am still waiting on a recollection of your experience. Knowledge is power and learning from others experiences enriches our minds and helps us add a human element to what we learn.

Manutdfanatic: I admit, you’re not shy. Wish I could figure out what would make you blush J

CeCe: Shout out from Kuwait to our Bahranians buddies *cheerz

Touche’: Happy new year my friend, 2008 WILL bring happiness and good change to your life.
Lone range’ress: Welcome to my humble blog. Came across your comments occasionally before and hope for stronger communication this year. Slautes

If I forgot to add you to this list complain in the comments section and I shall add you. Don't be offended, all the names just came from memory.

May 2008 be a new better beginning for you all, best wishes and keep on rocking.


Anonymous said...


yeah cuz we are artists ;)

and if you want my advice never throw them away..after years u will come back and read ...u know how it feels...

and happy new year!!

Navy Girl said...

yep i agree with her .. sometimes i get back in time and start reading whatever i wrote back then and sometimes it makes me laugh :)

thanks for adding my name up there ;) bs whats with myyyyy logooo :D y3ny shall i take it off ? :P

Navy Girl said...

oh and a happy new year ;)

Touché said...

Thank you, that's thoughtful of you.

Same to you, let's hope for the best and the rest is for the time to decide.

I wish you this year to flourish through your fight.

L.R.643 said...

and it was an honor to comment on ur posts;)

May this year be a successful one that none of us will ever forget!!

Shoush said...

How long? Since the beginning of Shoush! Wala it has been a while, huh? Since April. Wala time flew!

It's so sweet of u to recognize and mention this. :) Its been my pleasure knowing u and the rest of ur gang. :P May this friendship last inshala. May this year be a gr8 one for us all as well as all the following years. May we continue blogging. And may u keep rockin. :P

Shoush said...

Oh, and don't delete anything!

Unknown said...

Hey couz, what can I say.

Here's to a new and better beginning, and to a lovely eventful and happy life!

Kaos said...

desert-roses: I only came to terms w/ myself about being an artist :)
I'll keep them not for myself, but for anyone who's interested to read so they can learn what happened to me.

navy girl: ofcourse your name will be there :) u don't have to take it off but I just wanted to give you an idea what we c when we c ur logo :) just so your aware

touche': This year will be a new beginning, I wish you all the best man. keep us posted

lone ranger'ess: inshallah it will be. Thank you for your kind words

Shoush: wow, its just amazing how time passed, some friendships are just meant to be cherished :)
Thank you

N: Cheerz :)

Navy Girl said...

hehehe merciiiiiiii :P

okay since you got this guy with that guitar .. how about i put up a guitar next to her somewhere lol :P J/K ;P

Anonymous said...

We have the luxury of a whole year in front of us, time for new ways of thinking and new ways of doing. We none of us know what the year may bring, and I wish you only the very best, my friend.

Dr. Shale bin Agnon said...

Awwww... from another culture. Somebody accused me of being cultured :). Little must they know...

Ha ha.

Cosmictree said...

promising you to live my life happily? i wish i could:) Life is too complex to fit in a size-36 dress:) Sometimes happiness & sarrow go well together, like lemon & zanjabel(ginger), hehe

Kaos said...

Navy Girl: she's hot as is, u gonna add a guitar too? whoa thats too hot lol ;p

intlxpat: I like how you described it as luxury, which is exactly what it is. May all of us have a nice year
Thank you

Shale bin Agnon: Accuse? wahhhaahhaaaaa
well no matter, welcome back dude. You'll be better than a wisecracking leprocanne "plagirized from family guy ;p"

Sherry: you promissed, I shall hold you to it even if I have to come over and discipline you till you submit to happiness

Navy Girl said...

loooooooooooooool ambeeh your even more insane than I’m !! :D well I guess we will have to fix her a guitar somewhere ! ;P

Manutdfanatic said...

What would make me blush? I'm going to use a cliche I find horribly over-used, altering it to suit my need: that is for me to know and you to know nothing about.

RE: "atleast I decided to fight it and keep on fighting I shall."

Keep fighting! =)